City Opera Production Fund now created…
The City Opera art auction was a big success. The auction events, which took place in October and December, comprised fifty-two lots generously donated to COV. Forty-one of these had sold as of December 16th, at prices both above and below the pre-auction estimates.
The proceeds of sale were over $43,000, the entire sum going to City Opera.
We are enormously grateful to the Heffel Fine Art Auction House. The company donated the proceeds of sale, and the staff was extremely generous with their time and expertise. We also thank these friends of the company who gave time, advice, and services that were crucial to our success:
Chernoff Fine Art
Bill Jeffries
Kathleen Laverty
And we would like to express our special gratitude to all the collectors, artists and galleries who donated works, including those friends who wish to remain anonymous and whose names do not appear here.
Leanne Averbach
Joan Balzar
Enda Bardell
Alan Bell
Brad Chernoff
Julian Clarke
Rosemary Cunningham
Denise Hawrysio
Mick Henry
Estate of Barbara Jean Fraser McCutcheon
Marion Scott Gallery
Gary Pearson
Andre Petterson
Wayne Richards
Lasha Roche
Arnold Shives
Danny Singer
Trig Singer
Reece Terris
Winsor Gallery
If we’ve inadvertently left anyone out, we apologize for the error and would be happy to amend the list.
Why does City Opera need a production fund?
To date, each of our mainstage productions has cost about $150,000.
Until now, we have raised funds for each project separately, starting from scratch every time. It’s a great way to begin, but a difficult way to operate.
Now, we want to move beyond hand-to-mouth fundraising and create a revolving fund with which we can plan and budget long in advance.
This is essential for a professional company, and for our future.
Thanks to you, we have now created our first Production Fund at City Opera Vancouver.