Berlin: The Last Cabaret
January 2020
Members of a cabaret troupe gather one last time to perform for their friends, some of whom have already gone missing. It is 1934 in Berlin. The Weimar Republic has collapsed, and the world is turning upside down.
Berlin: The Last Cabaret speaks directly to our own times, using music from the Weimar era, cross-connected in a new narrative. Weimar was a period of tremendous experiment and daring, risk and transgression, gender liberation, discovery and allure—especially in Berlin.
If we could learn to look instead of gawking,
We’d see the horror in the heart of farce…
Don’t yet rejoice in his defeat, you men!
Although the world stood up and stopped the bastard,
The bitch that bore him is in heat again.
—Bertold Brecht
Berlin: The Last Cabaret was produced in association with the PuSh International Festival, and Sound The Alarm: Music/Theatre. It was made possible with support from the Edwina and Paul Heller Memorial Fund, the McLean Foundation, the Hamber Foundation, the Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation, John Fluevog Shoes, the Edith Lando Charitable Foundation and the R. & J. Stern Family Foundation.
Cast and Creative Team
- Roger Parton, music director
- Alan Corbishley, director & co-creator
- Megahan Chenosky
- Daniel Deorksen
- Alan Dominguez
- Brian Hirose
- Julie Muncs