The Hafu Project

May 25 and 26, 2024, Russian Hall

  • Luka Kawabata, baritone
  • Perri Lo, piano

The HAFU ハーフ Project is an emotional journey of navigating identity through music, dialogue and media. Adapted from the existing digital series of the same name, this live presentation will be the first public performance in the next stages of the project.

Combining traditional and adapted song, while drawing on cultural touch points from Japanese, Swedish and Canadian culture, The HAFU ハーフ Project shares a semi-autobiographical story in the struggle with identity and seeking new meaning in community.

As a person growing up between cultures, what does it mean when you don’t engage with your identity for fear that you won’t be taken seriously?

This multimedia theatre performance takes the audience along a musical exploration in peeling back the layers of how identity manifests as a product of social circumstance.

Meet the Performers