Entries by generalmanager

City Opera News for 15 March 2022

Chinatown / 13 – 17 September 2022 / Vancouver Playhouse Join the 1000+ people who have already watched a preview trailer from our new opera Chinatown. It stars Erica Iris Huang as the Hoisan Singer, and will amaze. Tickets go on sale in July. Please join us, and bring someone you love. Concerts in 2022 Last year, […]

City Opera News for 14 Dec 2021

COVID and concerts… Musicians improvise. COVID demands improvisation. In 2021, we gave 33 PoPUpOpera concerts. These included two at Cottage Hospice, three in support of vax clinics at the Convention Centre, and four at Sun Yat-Sen Gardens. Below, two of the staff who came outside for our concert at the DTES Coastal Health Clinic. They […]

The Road Forward – Marie Clements

Marie Clement’s National Film Board documentary, The Road Forward, is a stirring combination of documentary and musical. Originating in the story of Canada’s first Indigenous newspaper, the Native Voice, the film weaves its many strands masterfully, giving vital testimony, in songs of hope and loss, to the expressive power of art and its ability to […]

Marc-André Hamelin: Livestream Recital

In this breathtaking recital, livestreamed early in 2020, Canadian master pianist Marc-André Hamelin took us on a grand tour of repertoire from C.P.E. Bach to Debussy, dazzling with his astounding technique and perpetually questing imagination. We were left wanting more – and you will be, too.

Joni Mitchell – Both Sides Now (Live, 1970)

Canadian songwriting legend Joni Mitchell has taught us all to better hear the quiet places. Seen here performing one of her most beloved songs for an entranced audience over fifty years ago, she speaks across the years, delighting and enchanting us today, just as yesterday.

OdM x La Gang à Rambrou – L’histoire de Sacha

Montreal organization La Gang à Rambrou has a mission: to support, through the performing arts, the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder. In December of 2019, sponsored by L’Opéra de Montréal, they premiered a show, Prends garde à toi!. Inspired by Bizet’s Carmen, with a strong anti-bullying message at its core, […]

COV News Special – Oct 26, 2021

Chutzpah, Marxes, & City Opera Chinatown Preview • Virtual Studio Missing in Alaska DTES PoPUpOpera • 14th AGM Chutzpah Festival. Marx Brothers. City Opera. None had more chutzpah than the Marx Brothers. In their 1935 MGM classic, A Night at the Opera, their absurd and subversive humour is in full bloom. Join City Opera as we open […]

Louis Lortie – Orchestre Symphonique de Québec

Louis Lortie’s 2010 Juno-nominated recording of the Mendelssohn Piano Concertos, paired with that composer’s Reformation Symphony, was revelatory. Working with the OSQ in Québec City’s Salle Raoul-Jobin du Palais Montcalm – a more intimate hall – meant that Lortie already had an advantage in his quest to present the works with a lighter, fleeter sound, […]

Gryphon Trio, Miriam Khalil | Osvaldo Golijov: Ayre

In a potent mixture of Arabic, Spanish, and Sephardic tradition, Osvaldo Golijov’s 2004 song cycle Ayre draws on folk material of 15th century Andalusia, juxtaposing the texts’ wide expressive ambit with music full of unexpected detours and lashing eloquence. Here, in an arrangement by Roberto Occhipinti, the Gryphon Trio accompanies the legendary Lebanese-Canadian soprano Miriam […]

Jeffrey Ryan – Everything Already Lost

Says composer Jeffrey Ryan, “From the first moment I heard Jan Zwicky read from her work—richly layered poems that evoke nature, music, and profound distilled emotional moments—I hoped someday to have the chance to set her words to music.” Thanks to a commission from baritone/piano duo Tyler Duncan and Erika Switzer, the composer’s desire became […]

Niall McNeil and Marcus Youssef’s King Arthur’s Night

Premiered in 2017 at Toronto’s Luminato festival, Niall McNeil and Marcus Youssef‘s play King Arthur’s Night is now well-travelled, appearing to acclaim at festivals across the country. Centering Down Syndrome in its writing and casting, the play treats Arthurian legend with wonderful whimsy, affording its neurodiverse cast much opportunity for exuberant, hilarious improv – and […]